
The Constitution of the Topsham Mooring Owners Association can be viewed in the Handbook.  Copies are issued to registered mooring owners, and to potential new mooring owners.


  • To manage and regulate moorings in the part of the River Exe Estuary as designated in the lease granted by the Crown Estates Commissioners to the Trustees.
  • Moorings will be licensed according to the Association’s Rules, Terms and Conditions.
  • To establish appropriate charges necessary to economically finance the effective management of the moorings on a non-profit making basis.
  • To seek to ensure that the rights and interests of all users of the River are protected and to ensure that there is a properly defined navigable channel free of moorings.  Keeping areas free of moorings for conservation, fishing, sailing and other interests.
  • To liaise and co-operate with other Estuary users.
  • To make and enforce rules, terms and conditions as necessary for the proper management of the moorings.